
NBA2023-24 Season has come to an end, and in the span of over 9 months, many players have put on impressive performances, earning their worth and garnering fan recognition through their hard work.

However, there are also players who have been disappointing, so let's take a look at the top 10 most disappointing NBA stars of the past season.

10. LaVine

LaVine had his season cut short after playing only 25 games, averaging 19.5 points, 5.2 rebounds, and 3.9 assists per game. The Bulls have been actively trying to trade him, as his remaining 3-year, $138 million contract seems to be a heavy burden.

9. Poole

After receiving a four-year, $128 million contract extension from the Warriors in the 2022 offseason, Poole's performance with the Wizards has left much to be desired. Despite playing 78 games, he only averaged 17.4 points, 2.7 rebounds, and 4.4 assists per game, with a shooting percentage of just 41.3%.

8. Ingram

Ingram's inclusion on this list is largely due to his lackluster performance in the playoffs. Despite some injury concerns, his shooting percentage of 34.5% and three-point percentage of 25% in the postseason as the team's offensive focal point just didn't cut it.

7. Trae Young

The Hawks finished with a disappointing 36-46 record in the regular season, ranking 10th in the Eastern Conference and failing to make the playoffs. With an average of 4.4 turnovers per game, poor leadership skills, and defensive weaknesses, Young needs to mature and show more wisdom as the team's core.

6. Zion

Zion played a career-high 70 games this season, averaging 22.9 points, 5.8 rebounds, and 5.0 assists per game. However, just like last season, he suffered a season-ending injury right before the playoffs. The Pelicans were swept in the first round without their franchise cornerstone, highlighting Zion's misfortune.

5. Klay

When the final whistle blew in the Warriors' play-in game against the Kings, Klay, after a scoreless performance with 10 shots missed, paused and looked around the arena. This zero-point game summarized his entire season. By rejecting a two-year, $48 million contract extension offer from the Warriors a year ago, he really gambled and lost.

4. Morant

Morant was suspended for 25 games due to gun-related issues and then suffered a season-ending right shoulder injury after playing just 9 games. His explosive athleticism and potential were overshadowed by his youthful recklessness and bad luck.

3. Leonard

Season-ending injury, season-ending injury, season-ending injury... Leonard is truly impeccable when he steps on the court, but his injuries have become an ongoing nightmare. The disappointment from fans comes from the high expectations coupled with his frequent major injuries.

2. Beal

Beal, with a salary of $46.74 million this season and future annual salaries of over $50 million, held the power of veto in trades. In the regular season, he averaged 18.2 points, 4.4 rebounds, and 5 assists per game, and in the playoffs, he underperformed with averages of only 16.5 points, 2.8 rebounds, and 4.5 assists per game. The Wizards were swept in the first round, and that's the report card Beal handed in this season.

1. Simmons

Simmons missed 39 games due to a back injury and underwent treatment for nerve tension in his lower back. He only played 15 games, averaging 6.1 points, 7.9 rebounds, and 5.7 assists in only 23.9 minutes per game. His indecisiveness during the regular season and his aggressive moves in the offseason leave us with a burning question - Who will give us a glimpse of the past Emperor Simmons?



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